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Digicel+ Price Adjustment


Dear Valued Digicel+ Customer,


We hope this letter finds you well. As part of our commitment to maintaining open and honest communication, we are reaching out to inform you of an upcoming change to our pricing structure, which will take effect on May 1st, 2024.


Our last price adjustment was made over 18 months ago. Since then, we have strived to absorb the rising operational costs and continued investments in our infrastructure without impacting our pricing. However, to sustain the level of service and reliability you deserve, we find it necessary to adjust our pricing. This change is a reflection of the increasing costs associated with maintaining and upgrading our network infrastructure, as well as ensuring that we can continue to offer superior customer service.


Below is an overview of the new monthly rates for our internet plans, effective May 1st, 2024:


We understand that any price increase is not welcome news, and this decision was not made lightly. We have worked diligently to keep this increase as minimal as possible, while still ensuring we can offer you the quality and reliability you expect.


Thank you for your understanding and continued support. Our goal remains to provide you with the highest quality internet service, and we are committed to investing in the technology and infrastructure required to do so. We appreciate your trust in us as your service provider and look forward to serving you in the future.




Mara Samaniego

CEO – Digicel BVI, Ltd.




1.    What is the reason for the price adjustment?

These price changes have become necessary currently because of the increasing costs of international television content, global supply chain challenges, global inflation, and increasing costs of international capacity all of which have significantly increased the cost of doing business.

This price change would allow us to continue to deliver on our commitment of giving you the best experience on our superfast fibre broadband network, despite the effects of inflation.


2.    When will the price increase take effect?

The price increase will take effect on Wednesday, May 1st 2024 and will be reflected on the bill you will receive on May 8th, and due on June 3rd.


3.    Who does this price increase impacts?

Only applies to customers who were activated before September 1st, 2023.


4.    For customers who already receive a discount, will an additional discount be given with this change?

If a customer already has a discount, they will not be given an additional discount.


5.    Would all plans be increasing?

No. Price adjustments are happening across mentioned plans only.


6.    Would I be able to downgrade my package?

Yes. Downgrades will be processed within 3 business days (Monday to Friday) from request via our contact center or our retail store.


7.    Digicel+ is always increasing prices?

Last prices increase we did to Digicel+ services was on December 2022.  No other price increases have been implemented.


8.    When will affected subscriber be notified?

All affected subscribers and the general public will be notified on Thursday 28th March 2024.




Together All the Way | Digicel British Virgin Islands

When we say Better Together, we mean it. Experiencing new things, together. Living the best digital life, together. Growing together.