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Terms and Conditions

Youth Plan

By proceeding with the application for the Digicel Youth Plan (hereinafter referred to as the "Youth Plan"), you, as the Parent/Guardian identified in this document, undertake and agree to the following terms and conditions:


Whereas the Parent/Guardian identified at Item 1 above, undertakes and agrees accordingly:


  1. I am either the parent or legal guardian of the Child (hereinafter referred to as the “Child”) whose name appears above;
  2. I am 18 years of age or older and I am not a minor;
  3. I hereby agree and consent to my Child’s participation in the Youth Plan;
  4. I hereby agree and understand that Digicel may use or process my Child’s personal data, which refers to any information collected by us that can be used to identify the Child, in accordance with applicable laws. This includes but is not limited to the Child’s name, associated device numbers or identifiers, address, telephone number, equipment identifiers, and Internet Protocol addresses (hereinafter “Personal Data”). [To better understand what information, we may collect and how we may use it, please review our privacy policy (https://www.digicelgroup.com/an/en/legal/privacy-policy) and the privacy notice for any Digicel product or service, for which you or your Child voluntarily sign up.]
  5. I understand that Digicel may aggregate and use my Child’s Personal Data to report usage or to maintain and improve data that may be used to identify the service and features of the Digicel Youth Plan Promotion.
  6. I hereby agree to indemnify and hold Digicel harmless from and against any, and all claims, liabilities, costs or expenses arising from or relating to any claims made by or on behalf of my Child relating to the subject matter of the Agreement or by any breach by me of the terms of this Agreement;
  7. I understand that this Agreement is binding upon me, my Child, our personal representatives and assigns. If any provision of this Agreement is deemed to be invalid, it shall be considered deleted herefrom and shall not invalidate the remaining provisions. This Agreement constitutes my entire agreement in favor of Digicel with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement and supersedes any, and all my previous agreements, statements, communications and representations, whether written or oral, in favor of or with Digicel with respect to such subject matter.
  8. The general legal terms and conditions of Digicel (https://www.digicelgroup.com/an/en/legal) are also applicable.

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When we say Better Together, we mean it. Experiencing new things, together. Living the best digital life, together. Growing together.