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Junior Article 2023

The “Magic Age” For A Mobile Phone

“Can I get a phone pleeeaseeeee?”

Parents around the world can probably attest to this being a resounding request at one point or another. With reasons ranging from “everyone in my class has one” to “I need it for emergencies”  children have been asking for phones since the first Nokia flipped. So, what is the perfect age to give your child their very first device? The answer to that is… it varies.


According to studies, the common age the average child gets their own phone is between 10 to 14 years old. But, there is no hard and fast rule or perfect age to determine when to gift your child a device. So how do you know? Here are a few things to consider.


Is your child mature enough to handle a phone

Today a phone is no longer just a device to make calls, it is a TV, an arcade, a radio, a health trackers, a camera, a window to a world of possibilities both innocent and ominous. Is your child at a maturity level that they can manage an added distraction? Do you have a 12 year old that acts more 52 or a 13 year old that you sometimes mistake for three? Consider your child and their individual behaviour to see if a phone is right for them. Are they careful or careless, can they focus on a set task or are they easily distracted, will they self regulate? Or will you find them up at  2 am watching videos. We are not here to tell you to purchase a phone for your child, we are here to help you choose the best option and find a package affordable to your lifestyle and best suits your relationship with your child.


Will a phone help or hinder?

While phones can be useful tools for education, entertainment and communication, there are also several dangers to introducing your children to mobile devices too early. Smart phones provide direct access to social media and other addictive apps that can negatively impact your child. It is important that at any age, parents monitor their children’s activities and look for signs of cyber bullying, addiction or other ill effects. To counter this and to get the most out of a device for your child, consider parental controls on the device and talking to your child about responsible and safe phone and internet usage. If you want to introduce your child to the world of mobile devices without access to social media, consider phones that only make calls.


Does your child actually need a phone

If you ask your little one, I am sure the answer will be a resounding yes! but there are situations where your child may actually need a phone. Around 10 and 11, children across Barbados are  taking the Secondary School Entrance Exam “common entrance” and this may mean a different type of commute as they head to their new schools. For some it may be the first time they are catching the bus (or two) on their own. To alleviate some of the anxiety (mostly yours) surrounding your travelling student, a phone may be a good option to check in on your child.


While phones are endlessly distracting, they are also tools and it is possible that students may use their phones to coordinate group projects, participate in class activities and other educational pursuits. While your teen may overextend the value of getting them a new just released smart phone, you could consider some affordable options with great capabilities.


If you do decide that your child has reached your perfect age to be the owner of their own cell phone, consider setting ground rules on phone usage, encourage communication about their activities online and find financing options, like adding your tween to your bill, that gives you added control over the cost.

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