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Junior Article 2023

Smarter Than A Smart Phone

Whether it’s social media, an online streaming site or a surprisingly addictive game, smart phones have an unprecedented ability to suck you in. Before you know it, you’ve watched 52 cat videos and are missing a chunk out of your day. So, how do we get our smart phones to work for us? Here are 3 smart ideas to get the most out of your device.


Use it to learn on the go

From Duolingo to audio books, there are a host of ways your smart phone can make you smarter. Examine your day and see where you can find extra pockets of time to maximise learning. Do you have a long commute to work or school? Maybe listen to a podcast or a chapter of an audio book on the way. Newer models of phones no longer have a headphone jack, so consider bluetooth headphones to ensure your listening experience is uninterrupted.


Use it to keep you accountable

Your phone is a tool and while its highly entertaining, you can also ask it to “cut you off”. Setting screen limits and reminders on your device ensures that you don’t loose hours mindlessly scrolling on your favourite app. But your phone can help you in other aspects of your life as well. Health and fitness apps can encourage healthier practices and track your progress. Studies actually show that consistently using a fitness tracker can actually boost your steps per day by more than a mile.


Use it to make money online

You don’t need to be a TikTok superstar to make money online, there are multiple ways that your smart phone can help you make a few extra dollars compliments the internet. Whether you sign up for Fiverr or launch a new business on Instagram, your phone can help you embark on an entrepreneurial journey. Use your phone to take epic shots of your product, try your hand at free video editing software and photo editing software


There are endless ways that your phone can work for you, but the first step is remembering that it is a tool. If the never-ending ‘ping' of notifications is adding to your anxiety? Turn them off. If you realise that you are spending too much time on social media, set limits and have “No Screen Days”. In a world that is becoming increasingly connected it’s ok to unplug, take a minute to reevaluate your goals and objectives and then plug back in with a plan!


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